(SER-FL-001) Florida Wing
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The Communications section provides, maintains, and manages radio wave communication technology in support of all of CAP's missions. Communication Officers insure members working in the field can communicate with each other and with command via transceivers.

Mission Statement:
"To anticipate, provide for and support Florida Wings operational needs"

News & Updates in Communications:

Inventory begins October 1 ends October 30 and should be done the FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER! This gives you a couple  weeks to complete it if things go wrong.

Broken gear needs to be indicated in ORMS within a week and repaired within a month. Failure to report broken gear will result in its loss. Failure to repair broken gear will result in its loss. Please keep your gear in a state of readiness. We rarely get much warning of real missions.
We are live with the online communications logging system. This will make tracking what callsigns/radios are being used easier. This system can log nets, FTX's, and radio tests with another station. Remember every station on the air every month is the goal. enter your log within 24 hours of running a net, FTX, radio check, etc.
FT or Foxtrot Tango or Florida Test messages are being passed. This is a way to test our ability to distribute information accurately via VHF, HF, and simplex radio communications so we are ready for emergencies. If you are passed FT traffic click on the FT link at the top of this page and fill out the form. It is that simple. Try to relay any FT message via radio to as many other operators as possible on the same day it was received.
Current wing communications priorities: HF ALE message centers, HF net control stations, HF stations, VHF nets, identifying and fixing broken gear, insuring all EFJ VHF handhelds are issued to people with the right qualifications and per the TA, all radios are distributed to people who will use them regularly and per the TA. As always supporting ES training and missions is a big priority. Feel free to contact me directly but please use the chain of command for requests and similar items. 
Care and feeding of handheld radios: Our biggest problems with handhelds come from leaving batteries in ISR radios, leaving battery on EFJ handheld for long periods or worse shipping it with the battery attached, and holding/swinging radios by the antenna. Please take good care of your handhelds! Thanks! 

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